angler-fishThe Vulnerability History Project

About Us


This material is based upon work supported by DoD DARPA. This material is also based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1433736 as part of the Cybercorps Scholarship for Service program. Any opinions, findings and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily reflect those of the NSF or DARPA.

What Is This?

This is a non-profit, open source project devoted to educating the world about secure software engineering by understanding our history.

  • For students, it's a set of assignments and teaching materials
  • For professionals, it's a museum from which we can learn
  • For academics, it's a curated data set and an engine for generating new hypotheses and insights.


The main contact for this project is Andy Meneely, who is an Associate Professor of Software Engineering at Rochester Institute of Technology.


Most of the stock photography in this site is from Unsplash, or original photography by our authors. RIT photo from their stock photography branding portal.

Our mascot, named Vippy, got his icon based off of the angler fish on GameIcons, by Lorc.

All writing from our curators was provided voluntarily. Much of our writing comes from class assignments, although contributing your writing to this project does not influence student grades. The writing and software are under the MIT License.

How to Cite

All of our data sets are on Zenodo. Every new release of a data set will result in a tag on our git repository and will generate a new DOI on Zenodo.

This is the latest DOI for VHP data.
