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CVE: CVE-2021-44420 CWE: ipc: note: answer: question: | Did the feature that this vulnerability affected use inter-process communication? IPC includes OS signals, pipes, stdin/stdout, message passing, and clipboard. Writing to files that another program in this software system reads is another form of IPC. Answer should be boolean. CVSS: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L bugs: [] i18n: note: answer: question: | Was the feature impacted by this vulnerability about internationalization (i18n)? An internationalization feature is one that enables people from all over the world to use the system. This includes translations, locales, typography, unicode, or various other features. Answer should be boolean. Write a note about how you came to the conclusions you did. repo: vccs: - note: commit: - note: commit: fixes: - note: commit: - note: commit: bounty: amt: url: announced: lessons: yagni: note: applies: question: | Are there any common lessons we have learned from class that apply to this vulnerability? In other words, could this vulnerability serve as an example of one of those lessons? Leave "applies" blank or put false if you did not see that lesson (you do not need to put a reason). Put "true" if you feel the lesson applies and put a quick explanation of how it applies. Don't feel the need to claim that ALL of these apply, but it's pretty likely that one or two of them apply. If you think of another lesson we covered in class that applies here, feel free to give it a small name and add one in the same format as these. serial_killer: note: applies: complex_inputs: note: applies: distrust_input: note: applies: least_privilege: note: applies: native_wrappers: note: applies: defense_in_depth: note: applies: secure_by_default: note: applies: environment_variables: note: applies: security_by_obscurity: note: applies: frameworks_are_optional: note: applies: reviews: [] sandbox: question: | Did this vulnerability violate a sandboxing feature that the system provides? A sandboxing feature is one that upvotes: CWE_note: mistakes: answer: question: | In your opinion, after all of this research, what mistakes were made that led to this vulnerability? Coding mistakes? Design mistakes? Maintainability? Requirements? Miscommunications? Look at the CWE entry for this vulnerability and examine the mitigations they have written there. Are they doing those? Does the fix look proper? Use those questions to inspire your answer. Don't feel obligated to answer every one. Write a thoughtful entry here that those ing the software engineering industry would find interesting. nickname: subsystem: name: answer: question: | What subsystems was the mistake in? Look at the path of the source code files code that were fixed to get directory names. Look at comments in the code. Look at the bug reports how the bug report was tagged. discovered: answer: contest: question: | How was this vulnerability discovered? Go to the bug report and read the conversation to find out how this was originally found. Answer in longform below in "answer", fill in the date in YYYY-MM-DD, and then determine if the vulnerability was found by a Google employee (you can tell from their email address). If it's clear that the vulenrability was discovered by a contest, fill in the name there. The automated, contest, and developer flags can be true, false, or nil. If there is no evidence as to how this vulnerability was found, then please explain where you looked. automated: developer: description: unit_tested: fix: code: question: | Were automated unit tests involved in this vulnerability? Was the original code unit tested, or not unit tested? Did the fix involve improving the automated tests? For code: and fix: - your answer should be boolean. For the code_answer below, look not only at the fix but the surrounding code near the fix in related directories and determine if and was there were unit tests involved for this subsystem. The code For the fix_answer below, check if the fix for the vulnerability involves adding or improving an automated test to ensure this doesn't happen again. fix_answer: code_answer: discoverable: answer: answer_note: instructions: | Is it plausible that a fully automated tool could have discovered this? These are tools that require little knowledge of the domain, e.g. automatic static analysis, compiler warnings, fuzzers. Examples for true answers: SQL injection, XSS, buffer overflow Examples for false: RFC violations, permissions issues, anything that requires the tool to be "aware" of the project's domain-specific requirements. The answer field should be boolean. In answer_note, please explain why you come to that conclusion. reported_date: specification: answer: answer_note: instructions: | Is there mention of a violation of a specification? For example, an RFC specification, a protocol specification, or a requirements specification. Be sure to check all artifacts for this: bug report, security advisory, commit message, etc. The answer field should be boolean. In answer_note, please explain why you come to that conclusion. announced_date: curation_level: 0 published_date: '2021-12-08' CWE_instructions: | Please go to http://cwe.mitre.org and find the most specific, appropriate CWE entry that describes your vulnerability. We recommend going to https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/699.html for the Software Development view of the vulnerabilities. We also recommend the tool http://www.cwevis.org/viz to help see how the classifications work. If you have anything to note about why you classified it this way, write something in CWE_note. This field is optional. Just the number here is fine. No need for name or CWE prefix. If more than one apply here, then choose the best one and mention the others in CWE_note. yaml_instructions: | ===YAML Primer=== This is a dictionary data structure, akin to JSON. Everything before a colon is a key, and the values here are usually strings For one-line strings, you can just use quotes after the colon For multi-line strings, as we do for our instructions, you put a | and then indent by two spaces For readability, we hard-wrap multi-line strings at 80 characters. This is not absolutely required, but appreciated. bounty_instructions: | If you came across any indications that a bounty was paid out for this vulnerability, fill it out here. Or correct it if the information already here was wrong. Otherwise, leave it blank. interesting_commits: commits: - note: commit: - note: commit: question: | Are there any interesting commits between your VCC(s) and fix(es)? Write a brief (under 100 words) description of why you think this commit was interesting in light of the lessons learned from this vulnerability. Any emerging themes? curated_instructions: | If you are manually editing this file, then you are "curating" it. Set the entry below to "true" as soon as you start. This will enable additional integrity checks on this file to make sure you fill everything out properly. If you are a student, we cannot accept your work as finished unless curated is set to true. upvotes_instructions: | For the first round, ignore this upvotes number. For the second round of reviewing, you will be giving a certain amount of upvotes to each vulnerability you see. Your peers will tell you how interesting they think this vulnerability is, and you'll add that to the upvotes score on your branch. nickname_instructions: "A catchy name for this vulnerability that would draw attention it. If the\nreport mentions a nickname, use that. Must be under 30 characters. Optional. \n" reported_instructions: | What date was the vulnerability reported to the security team? Look at the security bulletins and bug reports. It is not necessarily the same day that the CVE was created. Leave blank if no date is given. Please enter your date in YYYY-MM-DD format. announced_instructions: | Was there a date that this vulnerability was announced to the world? You can find this in changelogs, blogs, bug reports, or perhaps the CVE date. A good source for this is Chrome's Stable Release Channel (https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/). Please enter your date in YYYY-MM-DD format. fixes_vcc_instructions: | Please put the commit hash in "commit" below (see my example in CVE-2011-3092.yml). Fixes and VCCs follow the same format. published_instructions: | Is there a published fix or patch date for this vulnerability? Please enter your date in YYYY-MM-DD format. description_instructions: | You can get an initial description from the CVE entry on cve.mitre.org. These descriptions are a fine start, but they can be kind of jargony. Rewrite this description IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Make it interesting and easy to read to anyone with some programming experience. We can always pull up the NVD description later to get more technical. Try to still be specific in your description, but remove project-specific stuff. Remove references to versions, specific filenames, and other jargon that outsiders to this project would not understand. Technology like "regular expressions" is fine, and security phrases like "invalid write" are fine to keep too. Your target audience is people just like you before you took any course in security |
See a mistake? Is something missing from our story? We welcome contributions! All of our work is open-source and version-controlled on GitHub. You can curate using our Curation Wizard.
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